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Palo Alto High School's Student Broadcast Network


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Palo Alto High School's Student Broadcast Network


Palo Alto High School's Student Broadcast Network


Brooke Breitenstein

Brooke Breitenstein

Brooke Breitenstein is a freshman at Paly. She attended Greene middle school from 6-8th grade. Her love for videos in general came from watching Youtube videos. Breitenstein said that she thought that it was interesting how even just one or two people could make videos unlike TV shows and movies that require tons of people and time. In 8th grade Breitenstein took video production and then Greene screen. During this she learned that she likes to write videos, film, and interview. She also learned that she is not a good anchor since she tend to speak quickly. She can also record voice overs but it usually takes a few tries to get it right. Her experience in journalism is from writing the videos Broll scripts and interview questions. She also attended the MAC camp which covered a lot of journalism.

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Brooke Breitenstein